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The Hips
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Wonder why you experience a clicking hip? Here's how you can fix it
Unless there is pain, it's nothing to worry about. Fixing it involves a combination of stretching and strengthening the area
Dr John White
How increasing quad mobility helps more than one area
Dr Leah Madden takes us through 3 exercises that demonstrate how looking after your quads can help with hip, knee, glute and lower back discomfort.
Dr John White
What you can do to increase hip mobility and why it matters
It's important to keep your hips mobile for more reasons than you'd expect.
Dr Ellie Plassan
Want to fix hip & knee pain? You're one exercise away
Rectus Femoris is the muscle that works between the knee and the hips. Let's look into it.
Dr Jay Hill
The Lower-back and the Hip Flexors
This week, we look at how the hip flexors and lower back work together
Dr John White